Category: Hosting

  • How Reseller Hosting works in a nutshell 

    How Reseller Hosting works in a nutshell 

    Reseller hosting is a type of web hosting service that allows individuals or businesses to sell web hosting services to their own customers. It is a popular choice for entrepreneurs and web developers who want to start their own hosting business without the need to invest in expensive infrastructure or technical expertise. What is Reseller…

  • A comparison of Linux hosting and Windows hosting

    A comparison of Linux hosting and Windows hosting

    Linux and Windows hosting differ primarily in the operating systems they run on and their compatibility with specific technologies. Linux hosting employs the open-source Linux operating system, offering exceptional stability, security, and flexibility. It is well-suited for websites built on open-source platforms like WordPress and Joomla, leveraging languages such as PHP, Perl, Python, and Ruby.…

  • Why hosting your website locally in Saudi Arabia makes business sense

    Why hosting your website locally in Saudi Arabia makes business sense

    Before getting into why hosting locally in Saudi Arabia is beneficial, it’s important to understand what web hosting is & the different types of hosting options available for customers to choose from: Web hosting refers to the process of hosting a website on a server so that it can be accessed by people via the…